Who doesn’t love a really good tree?!
This is one I really love. It’s been in my sketchbook and a picture book I illustrated and now it’s grown even further!
I walk past this tree most mornings. My child and niblings used to play in it all the time. Often it has broken branches, sticks and leaves piled up against it where kids have built dens. It really is a very good tree!
When I first read the manuscript for Rajiv’s Starry Feelings by Niall Moorjani, I saw this sentence:
They stop at the foot of the tallest tree in the park, and Rajiv is amazed when his dad begins to climb it.
And I knew exactly which tree I would draw. Here it is in the book:
And now, that tree has grown right out of the book!
Niall Moorjani is an amazing storyteller and performer and they have retold this story as a play! Rajiv’s Starry Feelings1 is being performed at Discover Children’s Story Centre in London from now until March. It’s described as
“A sparkly storytelling experience that will enchant and entertain, while exploring those complex emotions we all feel but cannot always name.”
Here is the tree being built for performances:

I love that this one tree has been re-imagined several times and has somehow travelled from the park near me, into my sketchbook, through a picture book and into a performance space!
Rajiv was a special book to work on, I am so proud of how it came out.
So, if something means something to you - even if it’s as random as a really good tree - put it in your sketchbook, who knows where it will end up!
Now *leans in closely* do you have a favourite tree? Because I would really like to know!
My shop is open now for limited edition art prints. Click here to see them all!
PS - Talking about three versions of the same tree reminded me of this Disney Studios film, 4 Artists paint 1 tree. It’s the perfect watch to remind you that everyone works differently and there’s no right or wrong way to approach a drawing or painting
Rajiv’s Starry Feelings is co-produced and created by Astraea Theatre and Discover Children’s Story Centre. Directed by Charlie-Anne Bruce & Niall Moorjani. Developed with Story Builder Maryam Noorhimli
Based on Rajiv’s Starry Feelings published by Lantana / Lerner publishing Text © Niall Moorjani 2023; Illustrations © Nanette Regan 2023
What a magical thing to happen!
I loved watching Walt Disney on our black and white tv as a kid!! I did not know he did films like this one. It was so fun to watch and the artists were so very well dressed out there painting too!!
Thanks for posting this film!!