Ha! Love this Nanette. This sounds like my non-fiction - Fiction drawing days too. Working on a lovely fiction one but it’s foxing the hell out of me and so my days are filled with very real non fiction worry 😂 xxx can’t wait to see your non fiction book. Back in the Olden days when google was brand new I googled farm animals for a picture book and was so horrified at what popped up - mainly naked ladies doing unspeakable things with bemused looking farm animals I shut off my computer and drove to the library convinced I was going to have the filth police banging on my door! 😳😬😆 good luck with your new project . Lovely to read all about your working day xxx

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Hahaha! I often wonder what a stranger would make of my google search history! I totally understand about thinking the police would be at your door - I was always convinced the SAS would abseil through my window from a helicopter when I got a weird image search result! Lots of luck with your fiction project - it will be gorgeous for sure! xxx

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Ha! I love how focused you are, Nanette. My studio is also only called a studio when talking to anyone outside the household and I’m feeling fancy. Inside our household, it’s called “The Little House”. Except if the dog is listening. Because if he hears “Little House” he drops what he’s doing (usually sleeping, eating or staring at me in the hope I might drop spare food out of my pockets) and RUNS into the garden to the Little House. It’s his favourite place to be. Apart from in bed.

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Oh I love the name “The Little House”! (Hope your dog didn’t hear me say that🤣) It sounds much friendlier than “Studio”!

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So good to read, I end up with the feeling "want to read more" ❤️ p.s- love your studio, maybe it deserves a full tour 🥰 my art corner, can't really call it a studio is in our living room so it can be very chaotic and stressful sometimes too!

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Thank you Teresa! I know that feeling of working in the living room with everything going on around you!

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Haha, my ‘studio’ is in a corner of our living room - would have loved to have that End Room. Also - I really like the energy on that first spread of chicken drawings!

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I am very very lucky to have my End Room! I know how it is to share your 'studio' space with the rest of your family going about their lives in the same space. A studio is a studio wherever it is and whatever it looks like! 🎨

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What a fun read - i really enjoyed this insight in your process! I don't have an extra room for working on my illustrations. Just a tiny working table in my living room. Would be funny to call it 'my studio', haha. Every time i sit down there, the cat wants to lie across all the papers, pencils and brushes - i really would love to have a door i can close! But i still love my 'painting nook' a lot :-)

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Hahahha your cat is just 'helping'! Painting nook is such a lovely name for it too 🥰

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what a laugh this all is - my workshop is now my dreamwork that evolved across three even four decades of very makeshift spaces that I could ´t even begin to describe in one comment. You’ ve inspired me - non fiction workshops is definitely a thing! Thanks Nanette!

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Your workspace does look an absolute dream Alex! You have the added romantic notion of it being in France too, so it looks especially dreamy from the outside!

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Thanks for sharing; it's so interesting and fun to see. I love getting a peek into other people's workspace. Although it does look like a lovely studio, and I wish I was more organised. I'm guilty of calling my creative workplace 'my studio,' when in fact, I just refer to it as 'my room.’

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Yes! I love having a peek into other people's work spaces too, especially when they haven't tidied up or arranged everything for a photoshoot!

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This is a great post! As a perfectionist I wish life looked like a Pinterest board! But alas, it’s not so! Having an alarm set to go for a walk though... that seems like fiction to me! Or perhaps something I should start doing to make it non fiction in my life!

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I love the unintelligible rooster drawings!

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